Le réseau informatique intelligent distribué hautes performances UtilityNet ouvre une nouvelle ère de l'industrie informatique de l'IA
En 1961, John McCarthy, le père de l'intelligence artificielle, a proposé l'objectif de l'informatique utilitaire. Il affirmait que "l'informatique pourrait un jour être organisée comme un service public, tout comme le système téléphonique, qui est un service public".
Aujourd'hui, sa vision est devenue une réalité. Sous l'influence de l'ère numérique, l'informatique est devenue une ressource publique de base comme l'eau et l'électricité, tandis que les centres de données et les réseaux de communication sont également devenus des infrastructures publiques importantes. C'est ce que les industries de l'informatique et des communications ont réalisé en plus d'un demi-siècle.
Pour l'ensemble de la société humaine, l'informatique n'est plus un concept à la dimension technique. Au contraire, elle s'est élevée aux dimensions de l'économie et de la philosophie et est devenue la productivité de base à l'ère de l'économie numérique. Elle a servi de pierre angulaire à la transformation de l'intelligence numérique dans l'ensemble de la société. L'informatique est essentielle à notre vie et au fonctionnement des usines, des entreprises et des administrations. Nous avons également besoin de ressources informatiques massives dans des domaines clés tels que la sécurité nationale, la construction de la défense nationale et les disciplines fondamentales.
L'informatique détermine la vitesse de développement de l'économie numérique et la hauteur de développement de l'intelligence sociale.
Selon les données d'IDC, chaque augmentation d'un point de l'indice de calcul en moyenne augmentera l'économie numérique et le PIB de 3,5‰ et 1,8‰ respectivement. Il existe une corrélation positive significative entre l'échelle de l'informatique et le niveau de développement économique dans tous les pays. Plus l'échelle informatique d'un pays est grande, plus le niveau de développement économique est élevé.
Dans la société future, l'informatisation, la numérisation et l'intelligence seront encore accélérées. Avec l'arrivée de l'ère de la connexion intelligente de tout, l'introduction d'un grand nombre de terminaux intelligents de l'Internet des objets et l'application de scénarios intelligents d'IA, des données massives inimaginables seront générées, ce qui stimulera davantage les demandes de calcul. Selon les prévisions des institutions compétentes, l'échelle mondiale de calcul atteindra 6,8 ZFLOPS d'ici 2025, soit 30 fois plus qu'en 2021.
L'industrie informatique mondiale entre dans un âge d'or. Selon IDC, l'espace d'investissement de l'industrie informatique mondiale devrait atteindre 1,14 trillion de dollars d'ici 2023. À l'avenir, le centre de calcul intelligent sera construit selon les trois principes des normes ouvertes, de l'efficacité intensive et du bénéfice universel et présentera trois tendances principales : un cadre et un système de normes plus ouverts et diversifiés ; des services plus efficaces grâce au calcul, à l'infrastructure et à l'intégration des algorithmes ; une meilleure utilisation du centre de calcul intelligent par l'établissement d'une écologie de calcul intelligent.
A new round of computing revolution is accelerating its pace.
UtilityNet aims to build the largest high-performance distributed intelligent computing network in the world so as to lay a solid foundation for the industrial revolution and civilization advancement of human society again.
At present, the improvement of computing performance is faced with challenges from multiple dimensions and the development of computing has entered a bottleneck period. From the perspective of hardware, as the production process of silicon-based chips approaches the limit and the problems of "memory wall" and "power wall" become more and more prominent, performances of CPU, GPU and other computing platforms are not well improved and Moore's Law is gradually failing. At the network level, computing nodes still have some room to improve in its flexibly and efficiently deploy computing resources through networks. What is more, they are suffering from data transmission loss and too large spending, because of which, computing resources can not be well used. From the aspect of cost performance, the investment of hardware and software facilities related to computing is not proportional to the returnand the computing field is in urgent need of cost-effective solutions that continue Moore's Law.
In order to solve the above problems and break the computing crisis, UtilityNet technology mainly focuses on two directions: to improve the performance of individual computing node. The emergence of non-von Neumann architecture chips represented by quantum chips and brain like chips brings the light to the reform of computing hardware. As for the efficient utilization of computing system, the multi-heterogeneous computing at the chip level and data center level will build a new computing system of anytime, anywhere along with the integration trend of cloud edge.
UtilityNet Labs is a lab engaging in the research and application expansion of decentralized AI computing network technologies. It aims to build a reliable infrastructure for Web3.0, so it has developed powerful decentralized AI computing and application tools. Its vision is to create a high-performance distributed intelligent computing network of HPCS and to create a larger and more efficient massive computing chain network construction and distribution scheduling network with lower cost. This is different from traditional centralized computing network and cloud computing network. UtilityNet will build the largest intelligent computing cluster resource pool in the world.
Members of UtilityNet Labs have different professional backgrounds. Its R&D team members are composed of experts, professors and doctors from many different fields, including blockchain, Internet, distributed computing network and cryptography. The great prospect of decentralization of blockchain and the vision for improving the efficiency of computing network bring them together. They aim to support and guarantee the continuation of human civilization.
Computing is the multi-field and multi-technology integration carrier. There is no end to human's pursuit of computing. In the future, with the continuous development of UtilityNet technologies, computing efficiency and energy efficiency will all usher in new breakthroughs and the computing system will be revolutionized. With the support of UtilityNet technologies, more intelligent and intelligent applications will emerge and the application of green, low-carbon, open and open-source computing will become an irreversible trend.
UtilityNet intends to utilize its own intelligent computing network to empower all walks of life and to naturally integrate with computing to improve productivity more efficiently. It also wants to combine with blockchain to embrace the coming of this new revolution and jointly build a real civilized world of blockchain.
UtilityNet holds that it is UtilityNet's greatest consensus to integrate high-performance hardware and idle hardware worldwide, to move toward the era of high-performance distributed intelligent computing and to meet the world’s demands for computing.
UtilityNet aggregates dispersed AI physical computing resources into a huge computing pool, executes computing tasks, responds to different development demands, provides a variety of performance optimization plans from the aspects of data, algorithms and models and offers fine-grained scheduling and deployment. Besides, it supports the exclusive usage and sharing of specific TPU, GPU, CPU, memory and other AI computing resources. For developers, operating a scattered AI cluster resources can be as simple as using a computer. This also allows developers to focus on their own professional field of efficient development.
By integrating global servers and AI computing equipment, UtilityNet can provide low-delay and high-speed output on demand and form an AI intelligent computing network. This is not only an advanced breakthrough in technology and ideas, but also a great practice of blockchain carbon neutrality.
In the future, UtilityNet will promote computing industry from the following three aspects.
In order to promote the construction of computing infrastructure, UtilityNet will make overall plans for the layout of green and intelligent computing infrastructure, promote the construction of integrated big data center system and accelerate the construction of a green, intelligent and multi-level computing facility system featuring collaborative data network, collaborative data cloud, collaborative cloud edge. It aims to realize the continuous and significant improvement of computing and tamp the “computing base” of digital economy development.
In order to promote core and key technologies, UtilityNet will enhance its independent innovation capacity, accelerate its R&D breakthroughs in high-end chips, new data centers, and super-computing and strengthen the technological layout of advanced computing and computing network integration so as to finally make the computing industry more efficient and green.
In order to continuously stimulate the enabling effect of computing "engine", UtilityNet will deeply explore the integrated application of computing in innovative application scenarios, such as digital government, industrial Internet, Internet of vehicles and fintech and improve the applications of computing in traditional industries such as medical care, transportation, and education, and will accelerate the application of computing in more production and life scenarios.